About Candidate
28 years old, hardworking and attentive fresh graduate who can adapt to any challenge with numerous efforts. As I believe dedication ranks higher place moreover competency, I will be there to you with both of dedication and competency.
Specialization in Animal Bio-resource Management and Technology under the Department of Livestock Production. Passed out with a Second-Class Upper Division (Final GPA - 3.67 out of 4)
Biology - B Chemistry - B Physics - S
Six "A" passes including Mathematics and English (English Medium)
Work & Experience
*Coordination and make arrangements to conduct laboratory activities related to poultry, animal nutrition and microbiology. *Assist in development and routing activities in Broiler and Layer and Miscellaneous poultry units. *Assist in animal feed production process.
*Helped for the successful completion of the Annual Audit 2022 in the ADM Food Products (Pvt) Ltd, Katukenda, Badalgama. *Engaged in the meat processing activities in the ADM Food Products (Pvt) Ltd, Katukenda, Badalgama.